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Friday, July 27, 2012

Vitamins for your body

Are vitamins important for your body??

Vitamins are organic compounds which are needed in small quantities to sustain life or Vitamins are those essential substances without which you cannot live.The word vitamin has been derived from the words vital+amines which means necessary to live.Vitamins for your body are very necessary to stay healthy and fit and live long life. Your body cannot manufacture vitamins itself; you need to take vitamins through your diet. Most of you think that vitamins and minerals are the same thing but it is not so these are two different things. Minerals help vitamins work. 

Types of vitamins


There are two types of vitamins:

  • Fat-soluble: vitamin A, D, E, and K
  • Water-soluble: vitamin B,C

Why do body need vitamins??

Vitamins help to regulate the energy producing sources. These also help to regulate the processes like cell   growth,reproduction,digestion etc.As explained above the types of vitamins, each vitamin plays its special role in body. Each vitamin is obtained through different sources. Deficiency of any one vitamin in the body disturbs the whole balance of the body and cause health related problems. And also excess of any one vitamin in body also causes problems.

Following is the list of vitamins, their functions and their sources

VitaminA:  function is growth,body repair,repair of bones and tissues. Its deficiency causes night blindness. Mangoes,carrot,pumpkin green vegetables like spinach are sources of vitamin A.

Vitamin B1: energy building vitamin and keeps heart and muscles strong. Whole grain cereals,wheat flour,beans are the source of vitamin b1.

Vitamin B2: and folic acid helps in formation of red blood cells. Sources are green leafy vegetables and dairy products.

Vitamin B3: meat, fish,peanuts etc. are the sources.

Vitamin B5: peas, beans, cereals, fishes are its sources.

Vitamin B9: broccoli,green spinach,mushrooms etc. are the sources.

Vitamin B6: production of anti bodies. Soybean,oats,eggs etc. are the sources.

Vitamin B12: required for carbohydrates and fats metabolism. Meat, cheese, chicken and milk products are its main sources.

Vitamin C: protects bones and teeth gums. Oranges, lemon,tomato,red and yellow pepper are sources of it. 

Vitamin D: rickets in children is caused due to its deficiency. Direct sunlight is the main source of it. Eggs,cereals are other sources.

Vitamin E: wound treating vitamin. Egg yolk,nuts are the main sources.

Vitamin K: herbs,dark leafy vegetables,spring onion,broccoli,asparagus,pickled cucumber,cabbage are the sources of vitamin k.Its deficiency causes bleeding.It synthesis various proteins for clot formation.

sources of different vitamins

Thursday, July 26, 2012

How the heart pumps blood

Your heart is a very important organ and you cannot live without it.If you want to become healthy and fit your heart should work properly. these days heart diseases are a major cause of death.Your heart is present at the left side of body.It works like a pump.Like all other pumps it also needs maintenance and repair.So for the knowledge about heart diseases you should first know how your heart knowing how heart works you can reduce the risk of heart diseases.Heart is divided into 4 chambers-right atrium,right ventricle, left atrium,left ventricle.Right atrium & right ventricle collects blood from the body and pumps it to lungs where the blood releases carbon dioxide and becomes oxygenated blood.This blood enters the left atrium and left ventricle.This left side now pumps pure oxygenated blood to the whole body through aorta. Except these four chambers heart also has various veins,arteries,valves.

Heart diseases

Heart diseases: 

There are many diseases related to heart as heart attack,angina,heart failure etc.The major reason for the heart diseases is that the arteries which are spread over the heart surface get narrowed or blocked due to the fats which get deposit on the inner linings of arteries.These fats increase day by day
leading to the blockage.Due to this blockage heart does not get oxygenated blood to function properly.when this occurs a part of heart gets deprived of blood and gets damaged this problem is called heart attack.

Cause of heart diseases: 

There are many reasons due to which heart diseases arise. The reasons include:

  • tobacco use and cigarette smoke
  • obesity
  • excess take of alcohol
  • unhealthy diet
  • lack of physical activity
  • high blood pressure
  • high cholesterol,high fats
  • diabetes 
  • stress also increases the risk of heart attack

These factors are also the major reasons due to which you become unhealthy.The factors like smoking,use of tobacco and alcohol,obesity can be prevented to become healthy .High blood pressure,cholesterol, diabetes can be treated to stay fit.Certain fixed factors as strong family history,age are also cause of heart diseases.The older a person become more is the chance of heart diseases.

Smoking and your heart:If you smoke you are at 4 to 6 times greater risk of heart diseases than a non smoker.Also if you smoke around your loved ones, you are increasing their risk of heart diseases too by secondhand smoke.

Symptoms of heart diseases:There are various symptoms of these heart diseases(heart attack) which should not be ignored.These symptoms include:
  • chest discomfort that is feeling uncomfortable with a pain,pressure
  • heaviness in centre of chest
  • discomfort in other parts of body
  • shortness of breath
  • Other symptoms as sweating,nausea may also be present.


High cholesterol and high blood pressure are two major reasons of heart disease.being overweight or obese all increases the risk of these diseases.Diabetes also increases the risk.There are many steps you can take to protect your heart.
The key to handle these severe heart diseases and become healthy and fit is prevention which includes a healthy life style and a healthy life style is achieved by 

  • exercises,healthy diets,nutrition's
  • smoking cessation and avoiding use of tobacco
  • controlling high blood pressure 
  • controlling diabetes and cholesterol
  • if you drink alcohol do so in moderation
  •  eat plenty of whole grains,vegetables,fruits to keep your heart healthy.
  • eat fish as it is a good source of heart healthy protein
  • Various type of medical treatments can also be followed to treat and cure heart diseases.

Who's at risk of heart disease?

 Men have a higher risk of having heart attack than women . But it should be noted that heart diseases are the number one killer of women/People having heart diseases in family background are at more risk of these diseases.

Second heart attack:If a person already  have had a heart attack,he/she is more at risk of second heart prevent second heart attack it is very important to follow your doctors advice.And it should be clear in the mind that the symptoms of second heart attack may or may not be same as the symptoms of the first heart attack.

Treatment of heart diseases:

  • bypass surgery
  • angioplasty
  • medicines

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Healthy Summer Foods

Prickly Heat In Summers

Summers are here and many people wait for this season to come.Days are long and give more of time to go outside and enjoy the weather and nature. You people very well know about the problems related to your body in summers. All you can do is just that each one of you take care of your health . As the temperature rises each one you prefer eating light food, which is fresh and these are the months in which you can improve your diets. You can improve your diets by following the below healthy summer foods below:

  • Firstly water is the best option you can follow to keep your body cool. Increase the intake of water in summers.
  • Avoid beverages like tea, coffee, soft drinks etc. because these beverages contain some artificial preservatives, which may prove harmful for your body.
  • Instead of above beverages drink shakes of different fruits.

Healthy Summer Drinks

  • Don’t take chilled water after coming from outside. Wait for some minutes then drink cold water not chilled.
  • Increase the intake of lemon juices, coconut water, lassi .
  • Focus on making your food healthy.
  • Prefer buying fresh vegetables, fruits from local farmers market.
  • Eat light.
  • Use maximum of fruits and berries.

Eat Healthy Stay Healthy

  • Avoid spicy and fried foods in the summers.
  • Eat more of cucumber and watermelons.
  • Use fruits vegetables instead of chicken and meat.
  • Eat fresh tulsi (basil) days everyday in morning.
  • Eat more of salads rather than junk food.

By following the above steps you definitely become try these healthy summer foods and become healthy and fit.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Obesity in India

Obesity is now one of the leading causes of death in United States. Even in India obesity and overweight problems are on rise. Obesity in India is on rise because food is abundant and physical activity is optional. People who choose to do physical activity stay healthy and who don’t become unhealthy and obese.


“Obesity means accumulation of excess fat on our body.” The food we eat everyday contributes to our well being as it provides us with nutrients and calories, which our body needs for energy. If we consume more calories than we burn, that amount of extra food turns to fat and get sore in our bodies. If we overeat regularly more and more fat get deposited in our body and we gain weight and if we continue to gain weight we become obese. Obesity in India and in world is a complex disease for which no single cause or cure exists.

  • There are many causes associated to obesity. Obesity can be related to age, gender, environment, and genes. Following are some other reasons that contribute to obesity:
  •     Obesity is mainly due to eating disorders. Eating too much regularly and performing no physical activities contributes to obesity.
  •    Genes is other cause of it. Obesity tends to run in families. But having obese relatives or family members does not guarantee that you will become obese.
  •     Emotions also play significant role in this problem. Overeating in depression, anger hopelessness etc. causes people to overeat.
  •     Environmental factors like lifestyle also maters. Your eating habits and other activity habits are partly learn from the environment you live in and people around you.
  •     Pregnancy. Women tend to weight an average of 4 to 6 pound after pregnancy than they did before.
  •     Certain medical conditions or medicines can also promote obesity. Although it is less common cause.
  •     People who consume alcohols are more prone to obesity because alcohol is high in calories.
  •     Lack of sleep is again a cause of obesity.


  •     The easiest and safest way to lose weight is to eat less and exercise more.
  •     Decrease your daily calories intake and expending extra calories during exercise per  day, you will definitely loose your weight.
  •     Good diet plan should be followed.
  •     Simple exercises like taking the stairs instead of lifts and elevators and short walks add up to lots of calories burnt.
  •    Avoid eating junk food. Prefer consuming fresh foods, plenty of fruits and green leafy vegetables.

Friday, July 6, 2012

How to Get Rid Of Pimples

You all have the problems of pimples, acne marks, blackheads etc. Women and teens have these problems more. To get rid of these problems you should first know the reason why they grow up on your faces then only you can overcome with it.

•    Why do the pimples cause:

The main reason behind these skin problems is the environment in which we are living. This environment is getting spoiled day by day due the pollution. This dirt comes on your face whenever you go outside and the process of pimples start occurring. Your pores of the skin get blocked by the accumulation of dirt, sweat and oil secretions. These secretions lead to the blackheads when they get exposed to air. An infected blackhead results into the pimples on your face.

•    Causes of pimples:

Other than the above reason there are many factors due to which pimples come. These reasons are given below:

¬    Hormonal imbalance during puberty.
¬    Improper diet and food.
¬    Use of oily creams and cosmetics.
¬    Stress.
¬    Improper skin care.
¬    Constipation problems.
¬    Intake of oily and fried foods.
¬    Regular intake of junk food.
¬    Regular caffeine products intake.

•    Solution to the pimples:
     There are certain tips you can follow to get rid of pimples and their marks.

¬    Healthy lifestyle: start following healthy living. Almost 50% of such problems get solved.
¬    Diet: you should take proper and balanced diet everyday which contains more of green vegetables  and fruits.
¬    Wash your face as many times you can do. this will remove the dirt and oil from your face and so it will not accumulate on your face and then the reduced number of pimples.
¬    No popping of the pimples as it can leave marks on your face.
¬    No touching of pimples again and again as it also leaves marls then.
¬    No trial and error on your pimples. let them breathe.
¬    Leave the bad habits.
¬    Drink as much water as you can drink in a day.
¬     Intake of more of vitamin A products and zinc.