Your heart is a very important organ and you cannot live without it.If you want to become healthy and fit your heart should work properly. these days heart diseases are a major cause of death.Your heart is present at the left side of body.It works like a pump.Like all other pumps it also needs maintenance and repair.So for the knowledge about heart diseases you should first know how your heart knowing how heart works you can reduce the risk of heart diseases.Heart is divided into 4 chambers-right atrium,right ventricle, left atrium,left ventricle.Right atrium & right ventricle collects blood from the body and pumps it to lungs where the blood releases carbon dioxide and becomes oxygenated blood.This blood enters the left atrium and left ventricle.This left side now pumps pure oxygenated blood to the whole body through aorta. Except these four chambers heart also has various veins,arteries,valves.
Heart diseases |
Heart diseases:
There are many diseases related to heart as heart attack,angina,heart failure etc.The major reason for the heart diseases is that the arteries which are spread over the heart surface get narrowed or blocked due to the fats which get deposit on the inner linings of arteries.These fats increase day by dayleading to the blockage.Due to this blockage heart does not get oxygenated blood to function properly.when this occurs a part of heart gets deprived of blood and gets damaged this problem is called heart attack.
Cause of heart diseases:
There are many reasons due to which heart diseases arise. The reasons include:- tobacco use and cigarette smoke
- obesity
- excess take of alcohol
- unhealthy diet
- lack of physical activity
- high blood pressure
- high cholesterol,high fats
- diabetes
- stress also increases the risk of heart attack
These factors are also the major reasons due to which you become unhealthy.The factors like smoking,use of tobacco and alcohol,obesity can be prevented to become healthy .High blood pressure,cholesterol, diabetes can be treated to stay fit.Certain fixed factors as strong family history,age are also cause of heart diseases.The older a person become more is the chance of heart diseases.
Smoking and your heart:If you smoke you are at 4 to 6 times greater risk of heart diseases than a non smoker.Also if you smoke around your loved ones, you are increasing their risk of heart diseases too by secondhand smoke.
Symptoms of heart diseases:There are various symptoms of these heart diseases(heart attack) which should not be ignored.These symptoms include:
- chest discomfort that is feeling uncomfortable with a pain,pressure
- heaviness in centre of chest
- discomfort in other parts of body
- shortness of breath
- Other symptoms as sweating,nausea may also be present.
High cholesterol and high blood pressure are two major reasons of heart disease.being overweight or obese all increases the risk of these diseases.Diabetes also increases the risk.There are many steps you can take to protect your heart.
The key to handle these severe heart diseases and become healthy and fit is prevention which includes a healthy life style and a healthy life style is achieved by
- exercises,healthy diets,nutrition's
- smoking cessation and avoiding use of tobacco
- controlling high blood pressure
- controlling diabetes and cholesterol
- if you drink alcohol do so in moderation
- eat plenty of whole grains,vegetables,fruits to keep your heart healthy.
- eat fish as it is a good source of heart healthy protein
- Various type of medical treatments can also be followed to treat and cure heart diseases.
Who's at risk of heart disease?
Men have a higher risk of having heart attack than women . But it should be noted that heart diseases are the number one killer of women/People having heart diseases in family background are at more risk of these diseases.
Men have a higher risk of having heart attack than women . But it should be noted that heart diseases are the number one killer of women/People having heart diseases in family background are at more risk of these diseases.
Second heart attack:If a person already have had a heart attack,he/she is more at risk of second heart prevent second heart attack it is very important to follow your doctors advice.And it should be clear in the mind that the symptoms of second heart attack may or may not be same as the symptoms of the first heart attack.
Treatment of heart diseases:
- bypass surgery
- angioplasty
- medicines
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