Friday, July 27, 2012

Vitamins for your body

Are vitamins important for your body??

Vitamins are organic compounds which are needed in small quantities to sustain life or Vitamins are those essential substances without which you cannot live.The word vitamin has been derived from the words vital+amines which means necessary to live.Vitamins for your body are very necessary to stay healthy and fit and live long life. Your body cannot manufacture vitamins itself; you need to take vitamins through your diet. Most of you think that vitamins and minerals are the same thing but it is not so these are two different things. Minerals help vitamins work. 

Types of vitamins


There are two types of vitamins:

  • Fat-soluble: vitamin A, D, E, and K
  • Water-soluble: vitamin B,C

Why do body need vitamins??

Vitamins help to regulate the energy producing sources. These also help to regulate the processes like cell   growth,reproduction,digestion etc.As explained above the types of vitamins, each vitamin plays its special role in body. Each vitamin is obtained through different sources. Deficiency of any one vitamin in the body disturbs the whole balance of the body and cause health related problems. And also excess of any one vitamin in body also causes problems.

Following is the list of vitamins, their functions and their sources

VitaminA:  function is growth,body repair,repair of bones and tissues. Its deficiency causes night blindness. Mangoes,carrot,pumpkin green vegetables like spinach are sources of vitamin A.

Vitamin B1: energy building vitamin and keeps heart and muscles strong. Whole grain cereals,wheat flour,beans are the source of vitamin b1.

Vitamin B2: and folic acid helps in formation of red blood cells. Sources are green leafy vegetables and dairy products.

Vitamin B3: meat, fish,peanuts etc. are the sources.

Vitamin B5: peas, beans, cereals, fishes are its sources.

Vitamin B9: broccoli,green spinach,mushrooms etc. are the sources.

Vitamin B6: production of anti bodies. Soybean,oats,eggs etc. are the sources.

Vitamin B12: required for carbohydrates and fats metabolism. Meat, cheese, chicken and milk products are its main sources.

Vitamin C: protects bones and teeth gums. Oranges, lemon,tomato,red and yellow pepper are sources of it. 

Vitamin D: rickets in children is caused due to its deficiency. Direct sunlight is the main source of it. Eggs,cereals are other sources.

Vitamin E: wound treating vitamin. Egg yolk,nuts are the main sources.

Vitamin K: herbs,dark leafy vegetables,spring onion,broccoli,asparagus,pickled cucumber,cabbage are the sources of vitamin k.Its deficiency causes bleeding.It synthesis various proteins for clot formation.

sources of different vitamins


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