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Friday, July 27, 2012

Vitamins for your body

Are vitamins important for your body?? Vitamins are organic compounds which are needed in small quantities to sustain life or Vitamins are those essential substances without which you cannot live.The word vitamin has been derived from the words vital+amines which means necessary to live.Vitamins for your body are very necessary to stay healthy and fit and live long life. Your body cannot manufacture vitamins itself; you need to take vitamins...

Thursday, July 26, 2012

How the heart pumps blood

                              Your heart is a very important organ and you cannot live without it.If you want to become healthy and fit your heart should work properly. these days heart diseases are a major cause of death.Your heart is present at the left side of body.It works like a pump.Like all other...

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Healthy Summer Foods

Prickly Heat In Summers Summers are here and many people wait for this season to come.Days are long and give more of time to go outside and enjoy the weather and nature. You people very well know about the problems related to your body in summers. All you can do is just that each one of you take care of your health . As the temperature rises each one you prefer eating light food, which is fresh and these are the months in which you...

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Obesity in India

Obesity is now one of the leading causes of death in United States. Even in India obesity and overweight problems are on rise. Obesity in India is on rise because food is abundant and physical activity is optional. People who choose to do physical activity stay healthy and who don’t become unhealthy and obese. OBESITY OVERVIEW “Obesity means accumulation of excess fat on our body.” The food we eat everyday contributes to...

Friday, July 6, 2012

How to Get Rid Of Pimples

You all have the problems of pimples, acne marks, blackheads etc. Women and teens have these problems more. To get rid of these problems you should first know the reason why they grow up on your faces then only you can overcome with it. •    Why do the pimples cause: The main reason behind these skin problems is the environment in which we are living. This environment is getting spoiled day by day due the pollution. This dirt...