Saturday, May 18, 2013

Benefits of soybean

Soybeans are also known as king of beans. There are great health benefits of soybeans because these are rich in carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals and healthy fats. Soybean and its products like soybean milk are advised by lot of dietitians and nutritionists mainly because these products provide various health benefits. Different types of soybean products are available like soy milk, soy paneer (tofu), soy flour, soybean oil, soy cheese, and soy yoghurt. Below in the article health benefits of soybeans are listed, as you will notice these health benefits you will definitely start using more of soybeans and soybeans products.

Health benefits of soybeans:



Energy source

Soybeans act as a good energy source to human body because they are rich in proteins. Soybeans benefits in case of improving learning and working efficiency.

Prevention of cancer

It is concluded by researchers that soybeans benefits in the prevention of cancer. It contains protease inhibin, which helps to prevent colon cancer and breast cancer.

Promotes digestive health

A great health benefit of soybean is in promoting a good digestive health. It also prevents problems of constipation.

Promotes cardiovascular health

Soybeans are also a source of soluble fiber. It helps to lower cholesterol levels  as it contains sterols and ultimately reduces the risk of heart diseases.

Enhancement of immune function

Soybeans are rich in proteins. Deficiency of protein in body leads to loss of good immunity system, health benefits of soybeans are also related to supplement protein in body.

Strengthen human tissues

Soybeans contain lecithin, which helps in absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. It strengthens up the human tissues and human organs.

Prevents deafness

Soybeans also contain iron and zinc so health benefits of soybeans also include prevention of deafness in elder people.

Prevents diabetes and inflammation

Soybeans contain phytic acid, which helps to reduce the risk of diabetes, cancer and inflammation. It also helps to inhibit the growth of tumor cells.

Lowers the high blood pressure

Health benefits of soybeans also involve lowering the high blood pressure.
Soybeans are rich in potassium too so they expel out the excess sodium salt present in the body.

Supports bone density

Soybeans have high concentration of calcium, which is essential for bone health.


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