Saturday, July 21, 2012

Obesity in India

Obesity is now one of the leading causes of death in United States. Even in India obesity and overweight problems are on rise. Obesity in India is on rise because food is abundant and physical activity is optional. People who choose to do physical activity stay healthy and who don’t become unhealthy and obese.


“Obesity means accumulation of excess fat on our body.” The food we eat everyday contributes to our well being as it provides us with nutrients and calories, which our body needs for energy. If we consume more calories than we burn, that amount of extra food turns to fat and get sore in our bodies. If we overeat regularly more and more fat get deposited in our body and we gain weight and if we continue to gain weight we become obese. Obesity in India and in world is a complex disease for which no single cause or cure exists.

  • There are many causes associated to obesity. Obesity can be related to age, gender, environment, and genes. Following are some other reasons that contribute to obesity:
  •     Obesity is mainly due to eating disorders. Eating too much regularly and performing no physical activities contributes to obesity.
  •    Genes is other cause of it. Obesity tends to run in families. But having obese relatives or family members does not guarantee that you will become obese.
  •     Emotions also play significant role in this problem. Overeating in depression, anger hopelessness etc. causes people to overeat.
  •     Environmental factors like lifestyle also maters. Your eating habits and other activity habits are partly learn from the environment you live in and people around you.
  •     Pregnancy. Women tend to weight an average of 4 to 6 pound after pregnancy than they did before.
  •     Certain medical conditions or medicines can also promote obesity. Although it is less common cause.
  •     People who consume alcohols are more prone to obesity because alcohol is high in calories.
  •     Lack of sleep is again a cause of obesity.


  •     The easiest and safest way to lose weight is to eat less and exercise more.
  •     Decrease your daily calories intake and expending extra calories during exercise per  day, you will definitely loose your weight.
  •     Good diet plan should be followed.
  •     Simple exercises like taking the stairs instead of lifts and elevators and short walks add up to lots of calories burnt.
  •    Avoid eating junk food. Prefer consuming fresh foods, plenty of fruits and green leafy vegetables.


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