Friday, September 21, 2012

Causes of tooth sensitivity

Following given are the causes of tooth sensitivity in most of the cases:

Brushing too hard
Brushing too hard can actually wear away enamel and can cause the dentin to be exposed, making your teeth extremely sensitive.

Using abrasive toothpastes
Use of excessive toothpastes while brushing your teeth can be a major contributor towards tooth sensitivity.

Tooth decay near the gum line

Gum disease gingivitis
Sore gum tissues may cause sensitivity due to the loss of supporting ligaments. This exposes the root surface and that leads directly to nerve of teeth.

Cracked teeth
Cracked or broken teeth may fill up with plaque causing inflammation.

Teeth grinding
Grinding or clenching your teeth may wear down your enamel and thus exposing the underlying dentin.

Excessive plaque
Build up of excessive plaque in your mouth could also be a reason .

Tooth whitening products

These products can increase your tooth sensitivity.

Mouth washes
Mouthwashes keep your teeth and gum healthy if they are used properly. Excessive use of these can cause tooth sensitivity.

Your age
Tooth sensitivity is highest between the ages of 25 and 30.


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